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(many) First steps towards class support

Per Lundberg requested to merge feature/add-class-support into master

This is still a bit WIP, working on #66, but opening it now since all tests are green.

Implemented parts

  • Be able to define classes
  • Detect multiple classes with the same name, throw an exception if this happens
  • Support for calling static methods (only on native .NET classes at the moment)

Remaining parts

  • Support for calling static methods with parameters. (this one should be quite easy to fix)
  • Support for instantiating classes.
  • Support for calling methods on instances
  • Support for fields and/or properties
  • Support for defining static methods
  • ...probably a bunch of other things as well
  • Support for defining classes in "native" .NET code, and static methods on these.

For me, the last one of these is perhaps the most important. I would like the base64_encode and base64_decode top-level functions to be moved to a Base64 class, and be Base64.encode and Base64.decode, or something like that. So I might focus on some fixes moving in that direction in the near future.

Merge request reports
